We miss exploring the ethereal beauty of the world outside, from the misty forests of Asia to the windswept mountains of Europe. There’s a sense of magic and wonder to the natural world, but we’re willing to wait a bit longer before we can immerse ourselves in this beauty again. Until then, we can admire the beauty of the world through photos of its many great locales. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got quite a selection to present to you, gathered from the galleries of the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got waterfalls, misty cliffs and so much more in store for you.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week belongs to @diegoiub, showcasing an absolutely enchanting view of the Cachoeira Label Falls. Here we see the cascade cling to the cliff like strands of moonlight, a waterfall that seems to glow all on its own. The effect of the light on bodies of water really enhances the beauty of such a place.



@carlasantosdias presents a beautiful shot of Caldeira in Portugal, the vivid green hills of this locale veiled by mist. Here, the shape of the green crater is veiled almost completely, which just enhances the lush colors of the landscape. The tree in the center frame that’s almost vertical really looks good.



@xploring_cr presents another beautiful waterfall, this time from Costa Rica. The Catarata del Toro may be the namesake of this place, but here in this photo it’s only part of what makes the whole locale really good. The green cliffs, the clean blue waters, and even the small ray of sunshine in the upper corner combine together into an unforgettable image.



We enjoy learning about dynamic natural sights, such as the Disappearing Tarn. Courtesy of @alavalenciana’s photo, the Tasmanian tarn here is presented in a most excellent shot, one that looks so otherworldly, yet still plausible. This tarn is named as such because it sometimes goes away depending on the time of year, so visiting it during the right time must be so rewarding.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @jessica_caselli_, showcasing a breathtaking shot over the Colle del Nivolet mountain pass. Mountains are never not beautiful, and the view that they provide is always welcome and exciting, but rarely do you see such a sight like this grace the highest points of the earth, or at least, see such a sight and record it. The rainbow just colors the late noon sky perfectly, a beautiful arc that reminds us of a hopeful tomorrow.

That’s it for this week, be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own photos of adventure? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a future blog!

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