In the same way that all of us need a daily dose of sunshine to be healthy, all of us need a slight reminder every now and then that there’s still a world outside our immediate household. There are still landscapes to be explored, mountains to climb, and people to meet. When it’s all right for you to visit far-off locales on a vegan holiday, don’t forget to appreciate the majesty of nature, wherever you may be. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve gathered quite a great selection of photos to show you, taken by the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got mountains, sunrises and so much more in store for you!

Ready? Let’s go!


Let’s begin this week’s gallery with a rising sun! @binomades presents a gorgeous shot of the sunrise from Cinchona Botanical Gardens, a place of lushness and greenery in Jamaica. To see the dawn every day is to remember that the dark of the night is never permanent and that the sun will continue to give you the light and vitamin D for the day ahead.



Next up is an artistic shot from Kodachrome Basin National Park courtesy of The many parks in Utah all have their own sandstone landscapes and with unforgettably surreal hues, but spots like this are few and far between. Here we see a tree that is still in the process of growing, amidst an elevated hill of dirt beneath a pale sky. We can almost feel the silence and serenity of this locale.



@jiditz_log presents an interesting perspective shot of Oryukdo Sunrise Park. This elevated skywalk gives you a stunning view of the sea, along with a breath of fresh air to accompany it. The colors of this particular shot of the park feel nostalgic, like an old postcard, from the light pink of the faraway sky to the bright yellow of the flowers, contrasting with the blurred shapes of the islands in the water.



The pathways through Sri Pada, Sri Lanka just look so immersive, thanks to @c.h.a.n.a_lk_’s use of perspective. The thickness of the mist just emphasizes the bright vivid green of the leaves below, while the downward view gives you a sense of the height and scale of the mountain. Also known as Adam’s Peak, Sri Pada is an immersive locale with a footprint mark at the summit, which different traditions claim to be the Buddha’s, Adam’s (from the Bible), or Shiva’s.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @yorimaidanik, showcasing the Grindelwald Glacier of Switzerland. The beauty of glaciers is that they’re almost like a literal winter coat for mountains, slowly sliding down the rocky slopes inch by inch. Here we see the chillness of the glacier in full display, the icy hue of the sky and the snowy slopes providing a vast and crisp image.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own travel photos? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan culinary cruises and vegan land tours in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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