Since the start of the 2010’s, vegan holidays have been growing in popularity, with more and more people traveling ethically with a plant-based mindset. While travel is taking a while to pick up again (considering our shared circumstances), we’re sure that the enthusiasm for vegan expeditions will thrive in the near future. After all, after being stuck at home for a long while, who doesn’t want to travel somewhere else? Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog!

This week, we’ve got quite a gallery in store for you, gathered from the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got high-altitude shots, wondrous vistas, and so much more to showcase.

Ready? Let’s go!


Let’s begin today’s gallery with a sunset!~ presents a gorgeous and breathtaking shot of the setting sun in Hawaii. Here we see the sunset as a pink glow that illuminates the waves as they break against the rocky shore, an idyllic snapshot of a vacation for another day.



Gwalior Fort looks amazing in @rahuldev31’s scenic photo, a preserved remnant of an older time. Here we see its walls and towers fade off into the misty blue horizon, the cliffs trailing down into the more metropolitan locales below. There’s a sense of grandeur and gravity to this man-made fort, an enduring place that can be visited today.



This staircase shot in Sintra, Portugal by @apicture_sparks_amemory looks quite cinematic, capturing the feeling of Dante’s descent that it was built to imitate. Thing is, the green moss and easy lighting makes this image less hellish and more wondrous, a place of peaceful and introspective exploration.



@polong.pic presents a striking photograph of Democracy Park, a place that commemorates one of the most significant events in Korea’s history. Here we see the canopies of colorful trees, rising like waves to surround the image of the pale structure in the foreground. There’s a sense of serenity to this particular shot, and we wonder what it would be like to walk through this place, once day.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @rudyswines, showcasing a stark, striking view of Switzerland from high up in the air. The deep blue sky above contrasts with the irregular white clouds and peaks below, so high up that you can’t even see the greenery of Switzerland’s landscape. There’s always something grand about flying up above the mountains, a feeling of lightness that comes from being so far away from the earth, if only for a short while.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own photos? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan travel tours and vegan cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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