The world is full of beauty, and in spite of vegan travel opportunities still on hold for most of us, it remains a wondrous place, full of great places to explore. We’ve all had our time to ponder about tomorrow, but while that’s still a while away, why not think about how to make yourself happy today? Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got a great gallery of photos in store for you, gathered from the pages of the dedicated folk of Instagram. We’ve got dormant volcanoes, ancient cities and more in store for you.

Ready? Let’s go!


First up is a scenic shot of Ciudad Perdida by @_salinasjuan_, showcasing the verdant terraces of what remains of an ancient city. Here we see the remnants of an old civilization nestled in the greenery of nature, the flat foundations the only visible indicator of their presence. Despite this, there are still indigenous tribes living near this storied locale, peoples who have known about this site long before outsiders saw it.



@baylessjared presents this atmospheric shot of Glacier National Park, shot in monochrome. Here we see the striking icy vista of the park almost blurred and foggy in the stark black and white colors of the frame, the distant mountains almost like smudges of ink on the page. There are many ways that you can view a place, and like a river, you can never experience it twice.



The canals of Bruges look as immersive as ever, as shown in @mtmendozahn’s gorgeous photo. Here we see the old yet still colorful buildings of the capital of West Flanders, mirrored surface of the serene canals giving the illusion of an extra city beneath the first. Old settlements are truly enhanced by waterways that weave through them, reflective streets criss-crossing with the cobblestone paths of the medieval-era Belgia  city.



Next up is @kopakarati’s shot of Rano Kau, in Easter Island. This dormant volcano has not had an eruption for quite some time, to the point that its cone is full of water and plantlife. This particular shot of the sleeping volcano feels quite Impressionistic, with the verdant rim and the mossy waters reminding us of watercolor brush strokes on a clear canvas. Nature truly is a free art gallery, if you know where to look.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @matias.yulita, showcasing a set of beautiful shots from Capilla del Monte. Known for its supposed UFO phenomena, this set of photos captures the wondrous vistas and skyline views that you can’t find anywhere else. You don’t have to look for aliens to enjoy this place. I mean, why look for the thrill from outside the Earth, when your own home world is already full of countless wonders?

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not join in on our weekly celebration? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great land tours and vegan culinary cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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