The cool days of spring will eventually give way to summer, in the same way that the warm hours of summer eventually give way to autumn. After autumn comes winter, and after winter comes spring again. Some things change, and some things stay the same. While the world still waits for a fresher tomorrow, we are still excited for a future adventure. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog!

This week, we’ve got some great locales to show you, places visited by the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got breathtaking vistas, eye-catching pathways and so much more in store for you.

Ready? Let’s go!


First up is an absolutely stunning shot of Saipal, Nepal by @adit_ya_15. This all-encompassing photo really showcases the vast beauty of the region, from the lush greenness of the valley to the stoic of the peaks above. It really does look like a slice of paradise on Earth.



@corran_tuatrail presents this somber and austere shot from Ile de Groix. Here we see a lighthouse, the only indicator civilization in shot, far away across an expanse of rocky yet flat stones on an almost-sandless coast. We love photos that present great visual spectacle, but we also love images that evoke strong emotions, whatever they may be.



Gaze upon the vivid hues of these magnificent toriis in Fushimi Inari Shrine. really captures a sense of infinity in how they presented the toriis. These shrine arcs look like they can go on forever.



Wonder at this eye-catching shaded pathway in Rovinj, courtesy of @dreamcatcher011. This shot is fascinating in how it displays virtually no shadows, the old walls and wooden beams and cobblestones all blending into one hue and texture. We do quite miss exploring the streets of far-off locales, so this shot of Rovinj really spurs a feeling of longing for a place that you’ve never been to.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @novemlawalata, presenting a beautiful shot of a Kajoran rice field, with the resolute shape of Mount Sumbing in the background. We’re loving the lighting of this shot of agricultural bounty, the out of frame sun providing a sense of dynamic illumination to the rice terraces. The looming shape of the stratovolcano, partially obscured by clouds, just completes this breathtaking image.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. Interested in showcasing your own travels once it’s safe to do so? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in an upcoming blog!

We’ve got great vegan land tours and culinary cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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