Keeping track of the time can be confusing when you’re always busy, but that’s why the sunrise and the sunset are so memorable each day. One heralds the beginning of new opportunities, while the other heralds a time for rest and relaxation after a day’s work. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog!

This week, we’ve got quite a gallery in store for you, photos taken by the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got misty mountains, grassy isles, and so much more in store for you. Keep your adventurous spirit alive with our weekly celebration of the world’s wonders!

Ready? Let’s go!

Our first pick of the week belongs to @fotomania_org, presenting this magnificent mist-shrouded visage of the Salzkammergut Mountains near Lake Wolfgang. Here the green textures of the vast mountain seem muted, but despite the veil of mist the striking verdant hue still pops out. The dynamic turbulence of the clouds above just adds so much to this image.



Next up is @khulmie’s scenic shot off the Great Ocean Road, with two limestone stacks in the central frame. There’s something haunting about how this photo is presented, from the crashing waves to the wispy clouds, from the smooth, sea-touched sand to the isolated limestone stacks jutting from the horizon. This photo, with its focus on nature and its absence of human figures, is quite captivating and surreal in its own way.



@legendaufa presents a bird’s eye view of a valley in Andorra, a small nation between France and Spain. A majestic slice of beauty deep in the Iberian Peninsula, Andorra has a charm to it that you’ll rarely find elsewhere. This photo presents a microcosm of the valley-based lives of the folk of Andorra. showcases a remote, almost lonely view of Praia De Dona, a beach that, while absent of people in this particular shot, seems so bright and full of green life. The way the photo is framed makes it look like the POV is from someone peeking into this remote shore, with grass-topped rocks just off the bay. The way a photo is shot can really do wonders to how a place is characterized, and this one makes Praia De Dona feel more magical than it already is.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @patrick_guimonet, presenting a glorious and unusual sunset from Les Houches, France. Here the descending sun’s rays split from the peaks of the snowy mountains, creating linear strands of radiance that give extra depth to a darkening sky. Despite the coming night, this photo still retains a sense of wonder, almost excited for a new day. What are you excited about tomorrow?

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. Interested in showcasing your travels once it’s safe to explore the world again? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in an upcoming blog!

We’ve got great inland tours and vegan cruises in store for you! Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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