Excited to go on vegan tours? Well, we sure are, but we might have to wait a bit longer. Until then, let’s satiate our wanderlust with some great photos from all over the globe. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog!

This week, we’ve got a great gallery of curated Instagram photos for you, snapshots of wondrous locales that really bring out the beauty of the earth. We’ve got great bodies of water, magnificent shots of the horizon, and so much more in store for you.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first of the pick comes from @woidbixn, showcasing a refreshing vista from Fischunkelalm. Here we see a beautiful mirrored mountain slope, with a shape that resembles a tree on its side. The small cabin and the rock in the foreground was also a nice touch.



Let’s present something cinematic! @poli_lyubenova presents a shot from inside one of the towers along the ramparts of Tsarevets Castle. The foggy environment just adds a sense of mystique and wonder to this ancient Bulgarian structure, and the shot that leads from a shaded room into a bright yet gloom exterior is quite striking.



The Adonis Baths of Cyprus come alive in @evgeni.fab’s enticing shot, a small body of clean water graced by a small waterfall. The way that the sunlight shines through the small canopy of leaves is magnificent, and the view of the roots below the surface gives this photo a dreamy feeling. We’d love to visit these Baths at a much later date in the future. How about you?



@singgih_lo presents this well-framed shot of Trakai, in Lithuania. The faded orange of the buildings and archways mesh well with the muted color of the sky and the washed-out colors of the stones that make up the bridge, creating an image that evokes a sense of strange familiarity. When was the last time that we’ve gone out and explored a place like this, constructed years ago yet still standing today?



Nothing like a good sunset shot to cap off the week! Our final pick for this Tuesday belongs to @im_rebekah, presenting a scenic sunset from Port Waikato. The way the light touches the rough stones and the smooth sand is remarkable, and the way that the setting sun’s rays illuminate the clouds makes it look like wisps of sunshine are coming out of it. Every day there is a sunset, but all sunsets are unique and beautiful in their own way.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not join in on our weekly celebration of the world’s great locales? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a blog one day!

We’ve got great vegan food cruises and vegan National Park tours in store for you! Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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