Walking is often an unconscious activity for many of us, a motion that we do to travel from one spot to another, nothing more. However, back when going outside wasn’t too risky (it’s less so with a mask on, but we digress), walking through parks, forests and other natural locales was a recommended way to alleviate stress and help you focus your mind. When we’ve prepared our future vegan national parks tours, you too can travel upon windswept paths and give yourself the calming experience that you need. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got a gallery of great locales in store for you, places that would look good for a future on-foot travel expedition. We’ve places high in the mountains and paths that travel through wondrous locales. Keep your sense of adventure alive this week with the great IG photos of the folk of Instagram.

Ready? Let’s go!


Nothing like a lovely virtual walk through a bamboo forest in Kyoto, right? @prosperitybamboo presents this lovely perspective shot of a bamboo forest, the leafy roof of the canopy obscuring the sun without making the locale dark or gloomy. In fact, the partial shade just enhances how green and lively the shoots are, flanking the pathway that we’d love to walk through one day. How about you?



Our next pick is a vibrant late noon shot of Papigo, Greece courtesy of @alex_s_travel_spots. Here we see the hypnotic pattern of the stone roofs meld together with the crimson bushes and the textures of the cliffs far off, giving off a surreal sense of motion in an otherwise still frame. The vibrant orange clouds overhead just completes this stunning watercolor-esque portrait of Papigo.



The Grand Canyon never fails to take one’s breath away, as shown in @made.jean’s great shot of the canyons from up above. The way that rivers and streams eventually shape and mold the vast landscapes around them is quite amazing when you think about it. Even if things may seem immovable, remember how these bodies of water can shape stone and earth to form landmarks like the Grand Canyon.



Not exactly a river valley, but it’s got the same vibes! @keerthans_snaps presents this aerial shot of Winnats Pass. Here we see that the path of the hasn’t fully illuminated the middle of this valley, showing how deep it is and how high the green slopes of the adjacent mountains are. Just imagine driving through this arboreal wonder.



Our last pick of the week belongs to @anett_pol, showcasing the Prachov Rocks that stand stoically amidst the trees of Central Europe. Land formations such as this remind us of the statues of ancient civilizations, but in this case, no human hands could have formed them. Over thousands of years of weathering and geological activity molded the earth to make these beauties. Places like these inspire us to keep our planet healthy in our own small ways.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe to travel again, why not join in? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got inland adventures and culinary cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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