Have you visited a place that you haven’t been to recently, like a park you used to go to, or the store where you bought your bread? What was it like? What has changed in that place? What has changed in you? Visiting once-familiar grounds can really show you how much things have changed over the course of a few months. Despite the disconnect you may have felt seeing these old places become new to you again, don’t forget that you’ll still have an opportunity to make new memories with such locales. The same goes with people, the folk that you haven’t talked to in a while. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve compiled five great IG photos that feel quite familiar. We’ve places on the water, places on the earth, and places that tower above the ground in this week’s gallery. We hope that it’ll keep your enthusiasm for vegan travel alive!

Ready? Let’s go!


Let’s start the week with familiar sight-the scenic ruins of Ta Prohm in Angkor Wat, Cambodia. @jorge.galox presents their shot of the well-known Khmer remnant, a place decorated with various statues and carvings, now covered in vines and moss and roots. Some locales are like sunsets; No matter how often you may see them, they still look and feel different from the last time that you did.



Speaking of sunsets, does this sunset look familiar to you? This particular twilight shot was taken on Fiji by @vale.demidova, the shadowed trees above and tall grass below seemingly framing the calm waters and the fading sun. There seems to be an inherent feeling of nostalgia in a sunset, and this one is no different. What are some memories of the beach that you’re reminiscing about?



Another pic of the open water! @marvellous_travellers presents this aerial shot of the world-famous Great Blue Hole off the coast of Belize, a deep blue pit that descends deep into a watery abyss. Aside from being situated in a reef that sustains the local marine life, the Great Blue Hole is a World Heritage Site with depths that give us a glimpse into the ecology of the world in antiquity, during the last glacial period. In a way, it’s kind of like a wormhole to the past.



Marvel at this canyon in Brod, Kosovo, a majestic photo taken by @joni_sinani. Here we see only a hint of the fertile plains near that town, with the canyon and its pale grass taking the pic’s focus. The blue sky beyond the two cliffs/mountain faces is a nice touch. There’s a sense of clarity and cleanliness to these photos that depict mountainous locales. What do you think?



Our final pick of the week belongs to @anna_gawlak, presenting this atmospheric shot from a trail in the Tatra Mountains. We say this a lot, but this photo really looks like a painting, with the well-shaded rocks, the slightly Impressionistic imagery of the bushes, and the wide brush stroke-shaped clouds overhead. Seeing a sunrise or a sunset while on a mountain is a visual treat. Trust us, we’ve seen it. It looks amazing.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of photos to admire and be inspired by. Want to showcase your photos in the future? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got upcoming inland adventures and vegan river cruises prepared for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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