The weeks have been getting colder as the winter months begin to creep in. In these times, the leaves fall, the air becomes frigid, and snow (in places that do snow) begins to blanket the roofs and streets. Traveling might not be advisable at the moment, but we can still sit back, relax, and enjoy the great indoors while planning for a future after this whole pandemic. Hey, maybe we can even go on a European vegan cruise one day. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve compiled 5 great photos depicting stunning locales around the world, places that we might be able to visit in the future. We’ve got mountains, beaches, and more to grace your screens as we collectively keep our spirit of adventure alive.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week comes from @blueocean.girl, showcasing a great aerial shot of Hamilton Island. Here we see an interplay of hues between the white sands, the shining blue waters, and the dark green of the trees on the isle itself. It would be nice to take a dip on an actual beach sometime in the future, but until then, great photos like this will have to do.



Next up is a shot of Trolltunga Rock by @exploring_world13, a magnificent view of the deep river and the surrounding stony cliffs. Places like this remind us of the textures and depth of detail to be found in nature, from the shining waters of the river to the white of the distant snow-capped peaks. Ah, to feel the welcoming chill of a high altitude.



@kashkavaltourist presents the Dragovski kamak, or the Matterhorn of Tran. This iconic mountain looks quite vibrant and strangely welcoming despite the cool weather depicted in the photo. The reddish trees that blend with the white cliffs and green woods make this mountain stand out from other such peaks that we’ve seen, and we can only imagine what it would be like to hike on it one day.


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#croatia #hrvatska #plitvice

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This waterfall in Plitvice Nacionalni Park looks quite animated, thanks to @kristotov’s scenic shot. Here we see a great distant view of a natural landmark that’s quite vertical in scope, the cascading waters like strands of silk over the verdant cliffs. Places like this must look amazing whether you’re looking at them up close or far away.


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Wanaka Tree

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Our final pick of the week belongs to @alanlee5, presenting a somber, painting-like photograph of Lake Wanaka. The detail of the black tree over pale waters and clouded skies is so aesthetically pleasing. From this vantage point, Lake Wanaka doesn’t look like a place for swimming. Rather, like many great bodies of water, it looks more like a place for reflecting, for thinking about one’s choices and how they can improve in the future. We’re getting ahead of ourselves, aren’t we?

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next Tuesday for more great IG photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe to travel again, why not join in? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got vegan travel cruises and inland adventures waiting for you in the future. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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