Going on vegan tours and trips may seem intimidating at first, but trust us when we say it’s going to open up a whole new realm of adventure for travelers all around the world. There is nothing like the feeling of exploring new places, discovering new cultures, and soaking up the beauty in nature. If you’re looking for some fresh inspiration for your next trip, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday!

This week, we’ve got an exciting set of great travel photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of the wanderlusts of instagram. We’ve got some beautiful aesthetic shots of waterfalls and so much more for you to feast your eyes on.

Ready? Let’s get started!


Our first pick for this week’s Travel Tuesday is an incredible shot of the heidelberg castle by @karasinclaiire. The enchanting architecture of the old palace can make you feel like you’re royalty for a day. Just imagine all the rooms and beautiful interior designs waiting for you inside.

Next up we have this breathtaking shot of the Niagara Falls in Podgorica, Montenegro by @nico.crock.tofu. The clear blue green water below makes you want to dive in and go for a swim. The view from above is just absolutely magnificent, the bright vivid colors of the photo are pleasing to the eye.



In this photo by @theplantpoweredadventurer, the classic and cozy-looking German bavarian style houses at Leavenworth, Washington juxtaposed with the cold and chilly weather. Piles of snow decorate the streets as the white covered mountains stand tall and proud in the background.



If you’re looking for a picture that speaks for itself, look no further than this photo of ethereal waterfalls in Milford Sound by @veggi.bella. You can just hear the strong and powerful sounds of the waterfall through the screen. What a magical and captivating place indeed.


Our last pick for this week is a photo from @chloevgn. It shows a stunning shot of rocky cliffs and emerald waters in the Dingle peninsula. Imagine yourself here, breathing the fresh air and listening to the satisfying sounds of the waves as you are surrounded by the magic of nature.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for another batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safer for you to travel again, why not showcase your own great adventures? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future IG travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan national parks and vegan cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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