We’re excited for many kinds of adventure in this coming year. From hiking tours to European vegan cruises, we love a good adventure, once it’s safe and convenient to do so. The new year is a time of opportunity and renewal, a time to celebrate what is good and improve on what can be better. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got an exciting set of great travel photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got lakes, temples, and so much more for you to feast your eyes on.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week belongs to @wincentprostor, presenting a scenic shot of the Little Carpathians, a low mountain range that’s part of the larger set of Carpathian mountains. There’s variety in the shapes of the landscape here, from the ruggedness of the rocks in the foreground to the smoothness of the hills in the background. This is all tied together by the warm glow of the sunset.



Next up is @exploringmundos’ snowy shot of Zion National Park, the reddish hues of this gorgeous destination powdered with December’s icy blankets. Here, the classic beauty of the national park is seen in a new light, the snow reminding us of the frosting of a cake. It’s amazing how different locales around the world look different at certain times of the year, yet still remain amazing.



Bayon Temple looks grand and serene in this photo by @khyhongsov. As a relic of ancient Cambodian history, the Bayon Temple looks quite well and good, having stood the test of time. This religious sight still has a sense of sanctity to it despite the years, helped by its stony exterior.



@cameraroll.ph presents a moody shot of Cleveland Dam near Lake Capilano. The way the mist hangs over the deep green trees, as if slowly erasing them looks quite neat. The relationship between trees and mist in photos is amazing to see, and much more amazing to experience first hand. We’d love to visit this trail one day.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @am.nature.photography, showcasing an exquisite and colorful shot of a sunset in Grad Zagreb. The light purple and orange hues of the sky at the end of the day never fail to amaze us. The way the clouds are shaped makes them look like hands, mirrored in the waters as they cup the distant sun. The start of the day can be beautiful, but so can its end.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for another batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own great adventures? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future IG travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan national parks tours and vegan cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.