Vegan tours are a great way to discover new things. From Europe to Asia, the world is full of beauty and splendor. While we’re still staying indoors, it’s good to plan ahead regarding our future vacation destinations, and you’ve got a lot of travel options ahead of you. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got an exciting group of photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of the great folk of Instagram. We’ve idyllic mountains, gorgeous waterfalls, and so much more to show you.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week belongs to @sharanyaudupa, presenting a stunning shot from Yana Caves. The worm’s eye view of the sun as its light filters through the cave is phenomenal, highlighting the textures and mossy faces of the cliff. Walking through these caves must be an experience.



Next up is @rcpics_au with their photo of Dove Lake in Tasmania, the view of the image set low near the surface of the water. The way the underwater stones are made visible by this camera choice is interesting, especially when paired with the view of the distant mountain peaks. It makes the large area of the lake seem small and more intimate.



@the_earths_music showcases the idyllic beauty of Zion National Park, a locale that is never lacking in stunning sights. From the light colors of the leaves to the bright light of the sky, there’s a sense of comfort to the atmosphere presented in this place. We can almost feel the warmth of the air and the coolness of the waters.



This photo of Grjotagja Cave’s captivating beauty belongs to @josefchen27. Here we see the natural wonder of an underground locale, almost like a baroque painting. The contrasts of colors and the vivid blue hue of the calm water below really makes it look good. The fact that it’s mirrored makes it seem more ethereal.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @eglepre, presenting a scenic shot of Cascadas de Tamul. This Mexican waterfall is at the farther end of the river, but the gentle mist that rises near the cliffs belies the size and majesty of the cascading waters. Based on the lighting of the sky, it looks like the sun is setting, and a sunset is always a great mood setter when you’re enjoying the view of a waterfall.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own adventures? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future IG travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great culinary cruises and vegan land tours in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.