We’ve been yearning to go on vegan tours in the near future, but after staying indoors for a long time, some of us might not be sure about where to go. That’s why we have our Travel Tuesday blog, to remind us of all the great locales in the world that are worth visiting.

This week, we’ve got a great selection of photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of the great folk of instagram. We’ve got valleys, rivers and so much more for your eyes to feast on.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week belongs to @jordannordstrom, presenting an idyllic shot of Cascade Canyon. This remote shot captures the serene beauty of the canyon\’s slope, colored by green and yellow trees and cut through by a steady stream of water. There’s a sense of texture to this snapshot of the canyon, a feeling of depth that lingers after you glance at it.



Next up is @celanie_courtes’s striking shot of Castle Meur, the house between the rocks. Here we see a man-made structure sitting perfectly well with several natural landmarks, the hue of the bricks of the house blending with the stones. The washed out coloring and the partially mirrored water really adds to that feeling of silence and serenity in this photo.



@kishore_wayfarer presents a breathtaking shot Kala Pathar, in Sikkim far above the clouds. The interplay between the blue and the green in this landscape is beautiful, especially with how the green fields seem to cling onto the crisp blue of the peaks. High above, in places like these, the land itself seems cleaner and fresher.



This breathtaking shot of an eruption in Kilauea is courtesy of @kenhrubingeo. The lava is absolutely stunning, the heat of the molten rock forming peculiar patterns across the dark expanse of the dusk plain. You don’t see many eruptions and lava flows up close, so images like this are quite memorable.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @dietertelemans, presenting a gorgeous shot of Gran Canaria. The way the light shines beyond the peak to illuminate the town is astounding, with the dark of the unlit slope contrasting with the hazy glow of the sky. The town below is faintly seen, and the centerpiece of the photo is the way the light interacts with the rest of the landscape. Truly stunning.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of wondrous photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own adventures? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future IG travel photos, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan park tours and European vegan cruises in store for you. Visit our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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