All of us have dreams of one kind or the other. Some of us dream of producing the most beautiful music. Others dream of a simple life in a small rural house. All of our dreams are varied and valid. Our dream is to explore the world once more, aboard vegan river cruises. In preparation for our future travels, we like to check out the photos of great travel destinations. Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog.

This week, we’ve got a stupendous selection of photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of the great folk of Instagram. We’ve got scenic plains, serene waters, and so much for your eyes to witness.

Ready? Let’s go!


Our first pick of the week belongs to @trippinaussies, presenting a sunny shot of Berry Springs. We agree with the OP, as the body of water does look a lot like a mirror. The fascinating thing about mirrored places like this is how it always returns to that still phase, sooner or later. After taking a dip and enjoying yourself, you’ll eventually leave, and the mirror-like surface of the spring returns to its placid state.



Next up is @theshivaayam’s lovely shot of Kasol Parvati Valley. We always love to see nature’s beauty captured in motion, and the way the light touches the stream of water as it moves past the trees makes it look so well-textured. There’s a sense of serenity that comes from seeing this particular window into a natural, splendid vale.



Serra de Estrela are the highest points of Portugal, and their vast presence is well captured by this photo by @_desassossego_. In the fading light of the coming evening, the mountains take on a dreamlike shape, slowly fading off into the horizon as their grassy surfaces darken. While we love seeing the sunrise from a high place, we also find joy in seeing the sunset high above the ground.



@julitooosanchez presents a wonderful angled shot of Cascada el Chiflon, located far up in the Chiapas. Here we see the roaring, falling streams of water as it descends from the high parts of Mexico to the lower lands below. Watching a waterfall up close is a lot like seeing a journey in motion. You get to witness the movement of water from the mountains as they cascade down the cliffs, further down the rivers, eventually reaching the sea.



Our final pick of the week belongs to @luciekdf, showing a new and interesting view from the city of Phnom Penh. While Phnom Penh is a great destination in its own right, the places around it are also wonderful to look at. This particular shot of the waters near the city present a picture of sunny summer days, where the waters are blue and the sky is awash with banks of cloud.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great photos to admire and be inspired by. When it’s safe for you to travel again, why not showcase your own adventures? Just add the hashtags #TravelTuesday and #VacationingVegan on your future travels, and who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got great vegan national parks tours and vegan river cruises in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.

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