As we drift through summer having adventures, we get to discover the beauty of culinary cuisine in different parts of the world. Whether you discover your favorite dish on a vegan culinary cruise or at a street stall in Thailand, new food is always a great discovery. Discover more food with us on this week’s Food Friday!

This week, we’ve got a great collection of vegan food photos to show you, gathered from the galleries of Instagram’s dedicated vegan foodies. We’ve got tarts, pizzas and so much more for you to feast your eyes on.

Ready? Let’s dig right in!


Our first pick for this week is a world favorite presented by @michumendieta. Pizza is probably one of the most popular dishes around the world, and this home-made vegan pizza is an eye-catcher. If you’re craving some amazing pizza, get your hands on some vegan pizza and discover a new, fresher taste.


Up next, we have some colorful Asian styled vegan tartlets by @janeflorence94. These vegan tartlets look like something out of a michelin star bakery and they probably taste like it. You must give these healthy and flavorful tarts a try!


Just like the sweet tarts above, we now have a savory tart delight by @chezhannaah. This peach tomato tartlet with tofu spread is a great dinner choice as it’s full of protein, veggies and a bit of sweetness. The perfect combination for a delicious vegan dinner.


Next up, we have a crunchy, flavorful salad by @wellnessandloveoffood. Fried tofu, freshly chopped salad, garlic and chili is what dream salads are made of. Complete with spices and healthy ingredients, you can have this salad all day, everyday!


Our last pick for this week is by @healtyandarty with a simple falafel treat with tzatziki. Simple balls of falafel with your favorite sauces is a great dinner choice, especially if you get creative with it. This middle eastern dish is healthy and super flavorful so if you get the chance, make yourself some falafel balls!

That’s it for this week. Be sure to visit us next week for a fresh batch of great vegan food photos to admire and be inspired by. Interested in showcasing your own vegan foods? Just add the hashtags #FoodFriday and #VacationingVegan on your future vegan food photos, and who knows, maybe they’ll be featured in a future blog!

We’ve got exciting vegan cruises and national park tours in store for you. Check out our VCC Adventures page for more information.